You can access the kit menu from the Q Menu or by typing `/kits` in chat. |
- Iron Hoe
- 5 Sand
- 5 Cactus
- 5 Wheat Seeds
- 5 Sugar Cane
- 1 Jungle Log
- 1 Cocoa Bean
Unlocked at MommysBoy
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Iron Sword
- Iron Shovel
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Axe
Unlocked at MommysBoy
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots
- Diamond Sword
- Diamond Shovel
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Diamond Axe
Unlocked at DrugMaster
Unlocked at Drug Samurai